1TXDS130.ZIP 703,626 05-18-96 Txds v1.30wb. The Enigma of Ashrella RPGDoor. Several bug fixes, MUD mode fixed.Enter the Medieval World of Ashrella, flyon a Dragon, get drunk, joust, long,ongoing story, spells, items. Nowmultinode, online fights, c
ACEY16.ZIP 129,297 06-12-96 Acey Deucey v1.6. An all time favorite!Fast-paced, challenging card game.Automatic game reset & Hall of Famebulletins, at end of month. Makeup gamesmissed, during the month.
ARENA15.ZIP 88,800 04-06-96 The Arena v1.5. 3D Door Game like DOOM.
BANG21.ZIP 10,505 04-20-96 Bang! v2.1. Russian Roulette. LogGenerator, viewer gambling and high risks.
BBDICE27.ZIP 140,699 06-11-96 Baseball Dice v2.7. Play an addicitve andsometime frustrating game of BaseBall witha roll of the dice! Nake your own Roster ofplayers. Fast-paced and fun for all ages!
BBYTRP43.ZIP 138,341 04-28-96 Booby Trap v4.3. InterBBS game requiresskill, thought & luck. Find the 25 boobytraps without blowing yourself to bits inthe field of 152 squares. Supports mostmajor drop files.
BJC20.ZIP 160,750 04-21-96 Blackjack Challenge v2.0. Play blackjackagainst other callers online.
BOGN4_13.ZIP 106,827 05-18-96 Big Boggle Word Game v4.13. Most BBSSystems. Based on the original ParkerBrothers game. You have a grid of 25 lettercubes and have to make as many 4 or moreletter words as you can find. The lettershave to be touching.
BOXPKR57.ZIP 139,359 06-11-96 BOX Poker Solitaire v5.7. Play 5 card studpoker on a 5x5 board grid. You place the 25cards on the grid to form the best handsyou can and accumulate points.
BRONX.ZIP 482,861 04-04-96 South Bronx v1.1. Fully interactive."Street Gang" action door game. Offersusers a full 7 locations to play. Fightrival gang members, have sex, sell dope,run a string of "Girls", hire hit-men ,steal, destroy 3rd party
BXDICE38.ZIP 136,964 06-11-96 Box Dice v3.8. Remove all 24 boxes from thegrid, based on the roll of the dice.Fast-paced, frustrating and VERY hard tobeat! Makeup games missed during the month.
CCA101.ZIP 127,738 05-20-96 Computer Coaching Assistant v1.01 forFranchise Football. Actively plays thecomputer teams in FFBL. It will buy allitems, change ticket prices, sign freeagents, and much more.
CHNRT194.ZIP 220,967 06-07-96 Chain Reaction v1.94. Challenging word gamebased on the TV game show. Players guesswords based on the relationship withprevious and following words. Outdoorsystem allows means of awardingtime/credits with a variety of
CONCEN18.ZIP 133,174 06-11-96 Concentration v1.8. A very challenging gamewhere caller must guess the hidden 5-digitnumber. Sounds easier than it really issince the hidden numbers are notconventional.
CONFUS10.ZIP 72,700 05-11-96 Confusion v1.0. Multi-level scrambled wordgame. Your users will love it, they finallyhave a game that makes them think! Thereare 3-Levels of play available to tweakyour users brains with.
CRIBSQ12.ZIP 132,468 06-12-96 Cribbage Squares v1.2. Create 8 Cribbagehands of 5 cards each. The computer willevaluate the hands and award points. Fast,exciting and challenging play. Makeup gamesmissed during the month.
CRYPTO27.ZIP 147,812 06-12-96 Cryptograms v2.7. Solve a coded phrase.Played exactly like the puzzles found inmagazines and newspapers. Very difficult,yet challenging.
DLSTA121.ZIP 130,699 05-20-96 Franchise Football Downloadable StatisticsIGM v1.21. Allows users to download, VIAX,Y and Zmodem, any teams stats, skillscores, or even season schedule.
DOMINO30.ZIP 138,569 06-11-96 Dominoes v3.0. An all time favorite!Fast-paced, challenging simulation of theever popular game played by everyone.Automatic game reset & Hall of Famebulletins, at end of month.
DRAGON25.ZIP 306,398 04-23-96 Dragon's Claw v2.5. Full featured on-lineadventure game with topographical ANSI mapsof terrain and multi-level dugeons. ANSImonsters, magic items, towns, ruins, over200 monsters, and real time user to userbattles.
DRAKE2_2.ZIP 143,033 04-23-96 Drakeville v 2.2. An exiting RPG multi-nodedoor game. "4" characters to control at thesame time. Superb combat! IGM support ,ansibulletins and much more. Who will be thefirst to kill MALAKY!
DWORLD10.ZIP 395,067 06-15-96 DogWorld v1.00. Advanced Role-Playing Game!An RPG that's really gone to the Dogs!
EWARV30.ZIP 303,133 05-30-96 Evangelist Wars v3.0. Rowdy, racuous diveinto the dregs of televangelism. More ANSI,more multinode action, more levity thanever before!
FE103.ZIP 282,544 05-18-96 Falcon's Eye v1.03. InterBBS CapableFantasy War Game.
FH120.ZIP 165,677 05-10-96 Fortress Host v1.20. Sophisticated enhancedhost for VGA Planets. Boosts game play withmany new features. Carrier fleet combat,advanced fighter missions, advanced torpedomissions, stargates, core torpedos,sunbuster, su
G5108B.ZIP 490,616 06-17-96 Galaxy 5 v1.08b. The Medieval Days are inthe past, the 21st Century is upon us. Andit needs you. Supports external 3rd partydoors, there are 5 planets in Galaxy 5 thatplayers can visit, internal mail writingroutines.
GANGWV12.ZIP 177,087 04-15-96 Gangland Wars v1.2. Do battle with streetpunks, recruit gang members, visit thegangland boss, rob local stores, playblackjack and much more! For any DOOR.SYSBBS.
GNWBRE30.ZIP 92,620 06-05-96 Run BRE leagues via WWIV networks.
GROAN24.ZIP 132,820 06-12-96 Groan Dice v2.4. Fast paced, challengingdice board game. Makeup games missed duringthe month. Automatic game reset & Hall ofFame bulletins, at end of month. REAL TIMEscoring and POOL points!
GRUNT140.ZIP 414,059 06-06-96 Grunt v1.040. Fantasy Role Playing game.Fully interactive RPG game! Full of shopsand secret places. Wander a 400 room townwith doors, portals, gates and more!
HACKV10.ZIP 169,470 04-15-96 Hackarama v1.0. Like LORD? Then don't trythis game! There are no mindless creaturesto kill here. Can you hack the mostRegistration Codes or crack the banks PinNumber to transfer money to your account?Try these and mor
HAV96JUN.ZIP 13,765 05-30-96 The Havoc Leagues (InterBBS DoorGame LeagueAPP) Ever thought of what it would be liketo have an InterBBS (Networked DoorGameslike FIDOnet) WAR with BBSes located inother states?
HILO15.ZIP 127,992 06-11-96 Hi-Lo v1.5. Fast-paced card game wherebythe player has to guess whether the cardfrom the deck is HIGH or LOWER than one ofthe cards on the triangular board.
HIROLL60.ZIP 139,825 06-11-96 Hi-Roll Dice v6.0. Fast paced, challengingdice board game. Makeup games missed,during the month. Automatic game reset &Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month.
HONOR100.ZIP 175,919 05-18-96 Falcon's Honor v1.0. Interactive fantasyrole-playing adventure by the BRE and FEpeople.
HTDICE21.ZIP 128,690 04-21-96 Hot-Dice v2.1. InterBBS game. Roll the diceand pick the numbers from a 3x3 grid thatequals the roll of the dice. Try to get allthe numbers before you run out of numbersto choose from.
HVAN100.ZIP 63,392 05-23-96 Hippy Van v1.00 Planets: TEOS IGM add-on.Exciting way for your players to movearound the universe and get stuff.
JNS_FT11.ZIP 218,022 06-08-96 Forty Thieves Solitaire v1.1. Card gamewhere the user must win to play.
JNS_ID15.ZIP 225,643 06-08-96 Idiot's Delight v1.5. You can't be an idiotif you want to win this solitaire card game.
JNS_TS12.ZIP 219,523 06-08-96 Three Shuffles and a Draw v1.2. SuperSolitaire Card game that takes a lot ofskill to remove cards from table.
KENO26.ZIP 133,018 06-11-96 Keno v2.6. Can You pick 8 numbers thatmatch the computer's picks. If you do youcan win the REAL TIME Jackpot! Fast-paced &challenging. REAL TIME scoring with otherplayers online.
KIRA100.ZIP 104,621 05-26-96 Kira's Satellite v1.0. IGM for Planets:TEOS. The newest IGM from your favoriteauthor of all the great LORD IGMs.Fun-filled romp through a space station inthe deep-reaches of space!
KROZASST.ZIP 28,406 05-12-96 Krozword Assistant v1.10. Full-featuredpuzzle editor that greatly simplifies thetask of creating your own Krozword puzzles.
KZWRD140.ZIP 85,807 05-04-96 Krozword v1.40. Competitive crosswordpuzzle game. Even allows users to createand upload their own puzzles! Support forall major drop files.
LADDER48.ZIP 141,056 06-12-96 Ladders Dice v4.8. If you use the rightstrategy and have plenty of luck, you willclimb the ladders and "capture" therequired number to earn points.
LANDF100.ZIP 55,616 04-04-96 Landfill v1.00 Planets: TEOS IGM. Add anexciting way for your players to earn money- work at the landfill!
LMATCH23.ZIP 130,094 06-12-96 Letter Match v2.3. Unique and challenginggame that tests your memory and knowledgeof the category subject chosen by theSysop. Automatic reset of game at end ofmonth.
LOTTOV20.ZIP 169,929 04-25-96 Lotto Mania! v2.0 Now easier to win!Players also get more money per day! ForANY Door.sys BBS! Players can scratch Lottotickets.. Play the Lottery and wager on theoutcome of Hockey, Football and Basketballgames.
LUNAT42B.ZIP 406,736 04-11-96 Lunatix v4.2b. RIP & ANSI, multi-node, IGMsand more! One of the hottest door gamesever! Lots of fun. Also has "In-Game Story"(IGM) support.
MONTE49.ZIP 136,706 06-12-96 Monte Carlo Solitaire v4.9. Another highlychallenging, hard to beat solitaire cardgame. Makeup games missed, during the month.
OL_V100.ZIP 197,683 04-09-96 Outlaw v1.00. Wild West Gunfight shoot emup game. For most BBS types.
OVRUND46.ZIP 135,511 06-12-96 Over Under Solitaire v4.6. Very addictive,tough, frustrating solitaire card game,requiring luck and good strategy. Automaticgame reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at endof month.
OX2V300.ZIP 638,726 05-17-96 Iron Ox v3.00 for OS/2. A New Universe! Thefirst door of any kind to include fullEGA/VGA RIP graphics, real-time multinodeplay, and interBBS league support.
OXV300.ZIP 609,159 05-17-96 Iron Ox v3.00. DOS version.
PAIR345.ZIP 136,431 06-12-96 3-Pair Poker v4.5. Play Poker against thecomputer. Will you get 3-Pair first? Makeupgames missed, during the month.
PIKE221.ZIP 316,185 05-05-96 Pike Place v2.21. Awesome newadventure/roll playing game designed toallow SysOp's to customize the entire lookand feel of the game. The program text isread from a text file that is easily editedto change colors, the a
PKRAKV50.ZIP 109,475 04-17-96 Prize Krakker v5.0. Krak the combination &win the prize determined by the Sysop! Easyto use and fun to play. Works with anyDoor.sys BBS!
PROFIL16.ZIP 156,252 06-12-96 Profile v1.6. Give your users a way toanswer questions about themselves whichwill be viewable by other callers. If yourBBS software will allow, you can FORCE newcallers into the Door.
PTEOS200.ZIP 286,291 05-07-96 Planets: TEOS v2.00. Full release. Trueinteractive multinode node play for any dosbased BBS. Hundreds of new features -Cartels, IGM Support, smart NPC's!
RAE102.ZIP 90,724 05-26-96 The Rae v1.02 [TEOS] IGM. RealTime ANSIBar! Play Tron, watch the mutant chickensrace, talk to the nine unique people in thebar, and much more!
RESCUE31.ZIP 134,545 06-11-96 Rescue v3.1. Rescue all the hotel guestsbefore the bombs explode! Fast-paced,frustrating and FUN! Supports Fossil-basedMulti-Port cards, including the PCBoard /Mversion.
ROCKTV10.ZIP 160,826 04-15-96 Rockland Trivia v1.0. Rock and Roll Triviafor ANY Door.sys BBS! Your users can testtheir Rock and Roll knowledge. Tons ofdifferent questions from the 60's 70's and80's! Automatically creates an in-game andexternal Hig
RTVIEW.ZIP 14,520 04-20-96 RTview v1.0. Use this file to type any LORDor TEOS color-coded files. It has beenwritten to support all the new codes thatwere added to Planets: TEOS 2.0! ANSI.SYSis not required.
SDL212X.ZIP 802,589 05-26-96 Stardock Loco v2.12. "The Core" BBS game.Can be used under most BBS systems. Set inthe future, this role playing sharewaregame can be played by up to 100 players.Multi-node capable, IGM expandable, over 70new ANSI gra
SEARCH42.ZIP 132,209 06-16-96 Word Search v4.2. All-time favorite puzzlegame. Choose a word from the Word List,locate it on the letter grid and earnpoints! Makeup games missed, during themonth.
SEVEN10.ZIP 112,104 06-07-96 7777 Seven v1.00. Modeled after a popularboard game. Fun, addicting, and not as easyas it looks. Play up to 25 games at a time.Features top ten, last winner, mail,anonymous players and more. Animatedinstructions.
SFTM115.ZIP 157,592 06-13-96 Sci-Fi Trivia Marathon - 1996 Editionv1.15. Tests the knowledge of even the mostavid science-fiction or fantasy fan. Coversfilms, television, literature, etc.
SHUFFL33.ZIP 158,423 06-12-96 Word Shuffle v3.3. Word letters areshuffled and the player must unscramblethem. Includes a database/event manager.Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards,including the PCBoard /M version!
SKYCOP10.ZIP 98,708 04-13-96 Sky Cop v1.0. Air Traffic Control SimulatorGame. Are your users getting tired of thesame old word and role playing games? Givethem something real challenging! Sky Cop isa game in which your users play as an AirTraffic
STAIR15.ZIP 245,421 06-12-96 Stairway v1.5. Word game that will put yourvocabulary skills to the test. The computerselects the starting letter and player mustmake words ranging from 2-7 letters.Dictionary is included!
SURVEY14.ZIP 157,961 06-12-96 Survey v1.4. Take surveys or vote onissues. Allows for up to 10 Surveys, up to25 questions per Survey, up to 10 choicesper question, & up to 10 lines of userFREE-FORM text comments.
SWEEPS21.ZIP 135,566 06-12-96 Sweepstakes Dice v2.1. Fast paced,challenging dice game where you bet on theoutcome of the roll of 6 dice. Automaticgame reset & Hall of Fame bulletins at endof month.
TC102.ZIP 181,539 06-08-96 Top Cop! v1.01. Full Featured Game. PlayerEditor, Ansi, 4-Way requirement to raiselevels, play the Lottery or Dice games, flyto 6 cities chasing the 10 Most Wanted,Patrol the streets to catch the commoncriminals, more
THILO100.ZIP 121,312 04-08-96 Classic Hi-Lo Card v1.00. Supports manydrop files with internal comm routines andfossil driver support. Keep monthly top tenscores, last month's high, and an all-timehigh score. Allows make-up days. Veryconfigura
TRISOL41.ZIP 140,102 06-11-96 Triangle Solitaire v4.1. Remove all cardsfrom the pyramid in Pairs that equal 13.Fast-paced solitaire game. Makeup gamesmissed during the month. Auto game reset &Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month.
TRIVIA25.ZIP 162,448 06-11-96 Trivia v2.5. Nothing fancy, just a good oldsolid TRIVIA Door game. Question Database,change the questions via your Eventprocess, import questions created offlineor use the Trivia maintenance module toenter questions.
TYAHTZ68.ZIP 144,085 06-12-96 Triple Yahtzee v6.8. Great Dice game. Playslike the popular board game and is veryaddictive! One of the top 5 Door games inthe world.
VAMPV20.ZIP 769,912 06-01-96 Vampires v2.0. The Children of Darkness areback! Amazing new door release! Works greaton all BBS's. Great graphics. Loaded withnew features!
VK25.ZIP 229,538 04-23-96 Vampire Knights v2.5. Full featured on-lineadventure game with topographical ANSI mapsof terrain and multi-level dugeons. ANSImonsters, magic items, towns, ruins, over100 monsters, and real time user to userbattles.
WOF62.ZIP 177,739 06-13-96 Wheel of Fortune v6.2. Plays like thepopular TV game show. Includes puzzledatabase manager with automatic puzzlechanges via your nightly event process! NEWOPTION allows players to supply Sysop withpuzzles.
WORDZ23.ZIP 256,132 06-11-96 Wordzee v2.3. Very challenging word game,played with word dice. Form words from thedice roll and fill in the correspondingcategories. Play 1-3 games at once.Definitely NOT a game to be playing whenyou are tired!
WOTW14.ZIP 304,505 06-02-96 War of the Words v1.4. Entertaining, yetmind stimulating word game. Luck alonewon't cut it in this game as players arechallenged to try and fill their scorecardbefore time runs out.
WRDWAR17.ZIP 248,474 06-11-96 Word War v1.7. The object of Word War is tocreate as many words as you can from 15randomly chosen letters. Dictionary isincluded! Now with internal message base!